Software Developer

If you’re a Software Developer, you probably already have the skills to leap IoT. The Software Developer specializing in IoT is familiar with the Edge system, programming for IoT devices (e.g. sensors and actuators), as well as familiar with the Backend systems to bring smart connections to life.

One of the overarching challenges for an IoT Software Developer involves dealing with data at scale. You must be familiar with the different types of data, as well as systems for gathering and monitoring data to ensure smooth functioning of IoT applications. The ability to manage and deploy applications in the field is also crucial.

Solve problems by

  • Developing and testing solutions with software devices
  • Developing and testing systems for collecting and storing data
  • Building solutions for presenting results
  • Modifying systems for enhanced monitoring IoT devices
  • Train your skills

  • Development in C/C++
  • Web development and high level languages
  • Knowledge in IP networks
  • Built in systems architecture
  • Companies looking for digital talent