Computer vision

Computer Vision is at the forefront of innovation, leading the way of an exciting and emerging field of cognitive technologies. Computer Vision refers to the ability of computers to identify objects, people, and actions in images. By relying on algorithms, we can extract information from an image and automate processes without human interaction. For instance, the iPhoto app on your Apple device or Facebook profile relies on facial recognition software to tag photos. Algorithms ensure the quality of the obtained information as well as maintain the privacy and confidentiality policies and regulations.

Image processing is part of a new wave of applications, including access control, security and vigilance systems, personal assistants, and perhaps most notably driverless cars.

Computer Vision is about integrating tools for automatizing industrial processes. Processes that, up until now, could not have been delegated to machines.

A challenge from the digital ecosystem

Facial recognition, vigilance, and supervision systems allow for a higher degree of control and activity in the automatization of actions. By assessing facial recognition and moods provides for more significant customer care by adding information layer to processes in customer care.

In the field of healthcare, for instance, the diagnostic through imaging is already a reality, and automatic systems provide higher quality care.
You have to have the ability to go outside your comfort zone and react on the spot